Most Connecticut residents are familiar with the dangers of drunk driving, and there are frequent statewide and national campaigns to alert people to how risky it can be. However, drowsy driving is another problem that has caused many motor vehicle collisions, and is...
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Interior Of The Office Of The Reardon Law Firm, P.C.
Month: April 2021
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Symptoms of acute coronary syndrome
Acute coronary syndrome, or ACS, occurs when the flow of blood to the heart is suddenly stopped or interrupted. One type of ACS is a heart attack. This is a very serious condition for patients in Connecticut and around the country that needs to be diagnosed and...
Common driving distractions to avoid to keep yourself and others safe
We all know that cell phones are a significant distraction for drivers, which has become a problem in Connecticut and around the country. The introduction of smart phones has only made the situation worse, and the number of motor vehicle collisions caused by...