A motor vehicle collision can instantly impact your health and finances. If you were not at fault, the other driver's insurance is supposed to cover the cost of your medical care and property damage. However, this is often not the case, as insurance companies are...
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Interior Of The Office Of The Reardon Law Firm, P.C.
Month: February 2021
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First steps in starting a medical malpractice case
Medical malpractice cases are complex. It may be necessary to file suit to obtain compensation for your losses at the hands of a negligent medical professional. If you believe that you have sustained injuries because of medical malpractice in Connecticut, here are the...
In a car accident? Know the types of compensation
A car accident can happen in an instant but can change your life forever. If you suffer a serious injury due to another person's recklessness or negligence, compensation from the accident may be the only resource you have to cover your medical bills. Non-fatal...