Connecticut may be the third smallest state by area in the United States, but there still are plenty of roadways to travel on and some of them are more dangerous than others for travelers. Four roadways in Connecticut to watch out for Some roads are more dangerous...
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Truck Accidents
Government study finds increase in truck injuries and fatalities
Large trucks play a significant role in the U.S. economy. Still, these vehicles are also a significant factor in collisions and fatalities on the roads in Connecticut and beyond. Unfortunately, the National Safety Council's analysis of current data from the National...
Key differences in lawsuits against commercial truck drivers versus regular motorists
The aftermath of a motor vehicle collision can be a time of immense physical pain, emotional distress, and financial uncertainty, especially if another's negligence caused the accident. When you or a loved one has been involved in a crash with a commercial truck, the...
Automatic emergency braking less likely to recognize trucks and motorcycles
Vehicle manufacturers have made many advancements in vehicle safety. For example, front crash prevention systems have been a significant step forward. These systems, often called automatic emergency braking (AEB), are designed to detect an imminent collision with...
Important Rules for Drivers and Pedestrians
The days are becoming shorter and colder, but many Connecticut residents still walk as part of their daily routine. Some people walk for exercise, pleasure, or simply to get from one place to another. Some walk on sidewalks and in towns or cities, while others walk...
Crashes involving commercial trucks can require complex lawsuits
Drivers of private passenger vehicles involved in collisions will typically exchange insurance information and file a police report. The insurance companies involved will then determine who was at fault. If one driver was negligent and caused the other driver to...
AAA study endorses driver assistance technology
Vehicle manufacturers are aware of increasingly unsafe driving habits and are attempting to change that behavior with technology. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety has been critical of some safety advancements in the past, including automatic emergency braking and...
Severe injuries commonly suffered in semi-truck-related crashes
Injuries sustained in semi-truck-related crashes are typically some of the most serious. This is often because of the size and weight differential between the average semi and other passenger vehicles on the road -- SUVs, sedans and small trucks. Unfortunately, the...
Failed airbrake systems responsible for 15% of all truck crashes
We all are purchasing more products online, which means that there are more and more commercial trucks on the roadways making deliveries. A study by a trucking industry safety consultant has found that air brake-related components are responsible for 51% of all brake...
What to do after a collision with a truck
When a tractor-trailer truck collides with a passenger vehicle, severe injuries can occur because of the significant size and weight of the truck as compared to the other vehicle. If you are in a truck collision, safety should be your first priority. Get help and,...